bash shell do while loop

7. Loops - Unix / Linux Bourne / Bash Shell Scripting Tutorial [ steve.
bash shell do while loop
bash - Modifying a shell variable in a while loop does not work as.If do is on same line as for, there needs to be a semicolon after list.. bin/bash # Generating [list] in a for-loop, using "globbing" echo for file in .. In contrast to a for loop, a while loop finds use in situations where the number of loop .
bin/bash intertube=0 echo "begin ping" while [ $intertube -ne 1 ]; do ping .. Browse other questions tagged bash shell unix while-loop ping or .
I have next code with while loop in my sctipt :. grep aa > $TMP_FILE while read i do echo $i number=`ssh somehost cat somefile. bash shell .
I'm writing a bash shell script where I want to implement a sleep sequence as long as a. while [ -f fileName ] do echo "waiting" sleep 1 done.
Transfered from Linux Config: Question: Hi, I have a question for my bash. bin/ bash COUNT=$1 # bash while loop while [ $COUNT -gt 0 ]; do .
linux - Bash: a sleep in a while loop gets its own pid - Stack Overflow.
while loop in shell scripting - The UNIX and Linux Forums.
Hi, I'm having a problem with the while loop in bash. I try the following script: #!/ bin/bash while true do echo "test" done When I try this, it gives .
At this moment I'm running it from cygwin bash shell.. Will execute the while loop afterwards in a sub-shell. But that. Use expr to do the math.
Feb 26, 2013. All is fine except when I do it in a while loop.. For a long time I thought this was some kind of ksh weirdness, but I now discovered bash does in .
Hi, I have a doubt in usage of while loop in Shell script as Iam new to this.. list1 while [ $c1 -eq 0 && $c1 -eq 0 ] do function sleep 1000 done }.
How to read from two input files using while loop - Unix & Linux.
Good reference for Linux scripting syntax? (If then while loop syntax.